Friday, January 3, 2014

11 Simple Joys

Last year my sister moved to San Fran and we were so happy for her but a little bit devastated. She was kind of the life of the party. One time she called my mom and I and gave us a little challenge. She said "I want you to recognize the simple joys you have in your life and when you think of one text it to me." So we started a group text and we all sent each other our simple joys. Simple joys by my definition are not getting a promotion, or teaching your kid to read, or anything that is life changing. A simple joy is hearing "Mom is there anything else I can do for you?", or finding the last Diet Dr Pepper in the fridge, or that wink from your husband that gives you butterflies on a hard day. They are the things that just make you smile and think "I have a pretty dang good life". Well I have a list of these for you guys. My list of simple joys. Because this time of year is the best time to think positively and realize that we are so blessed with what we have.

1. Having a clean kitchen. I mean who doesn't love looking at a clean kitchen. Running your hands over your counters and not running over crumbs and Goldfish... SPLENDID! Not stepping on things on the floor or seeing spilled mystery goo in the fridge. Happiness is a clean kitchen people.

2. Eating that piece of chocolate. Now I believe in health but I also believe chocolate, like exercise, releases endorphins and makes us happy for more than just a few minutes. I usually try to leave my chocolate until after I clean or do something productive. So its my reward. I don't love the media for so many reasons but chocolate commercials are usually just about true. Eyes rolls into the back of heads, eyes close, and you take a really deep breathe that says "I can handle life again". 

3. The first sip of soda. This one goes well with number 2 (at least for me). I LOVE the first sip of soda. Now if you aren't a soda drinker please skip this one because you may think I am a little insane. In my family we call it "the burn". I mean thats all I need to say. Its a wonderful feeling that just gives you instant energy and again the eyes roll back in your head, eyes close, and you take a deep breathe in. Life is good.

4. Hearing your kids playing in the next room. When my 18 month old goes into the same room as my 4 year old I always think "wait for it, wait for it" and usually I hear "MOM!! WESTIN IS WRECKING MY CONSTRUCTION SITE!!" and then Westin will scream and hit Cohen. Awesome. But every once in a while I don't hear that. I hear little giggles, noises of happy boys playing so nicely together. I hear "Oh Westin do you want to play with my excavator?" The best. 

5. Buttoning your jeans for the first time after baby. Not all women have experienced this but we can all imagine how amazing this feels. I mean your hips widen, your belly is the size of a watermelon, your muscle tone is gone, your chest is busting at the seams (in a not so sexy way). I mean I love my babies but they kind of destroy my body! So after you have that sweet baby, buttoning your jeans (whether it is right after or a few months after) makes you smile! 

6. Winking husbands. Men tend to think they need to go big or go home. That gesture is nice sometimes but I think more than anything we need a wink every once in a while! We need a "Wow you're hot" or "You have been so productive today". Yes guys out there, unless its that time of the month and nothing makes us happy, these little things WILL make us smile! Such a great feeling. 

7. Finishing a workout. I have to sneak this in here somewhere, but I do believe its true. If you haven't started, start! And finish it! In most of my workouts the thought "Ugh I still have so much to do" always goes through my head. But after I finish, I feel accomplished and so good about myself. And that makes the next workout so much easier. 

8. Feeling muscle for the first time. I've always been a weak person. I didn't start working out until after I got married and after I had my first baby. I started slow, not seeing much result, but after I picked up my pace I started seeing changes! I flex for my husband all the time now because I am so proud of the little muscle I have on my arm. One time my husband said to me "Wow, I can see your ab muscles Erica!" I think I was beaming for weeks!!

9. Doing something for someone else. Whenever I am feeling bad about myself, my mom and dad always taught me to look for someone who is in need. Whether it be telling someone they look fabulous, cleaning something for them, taking them a treat, or just going to visit them. Making people feel good about themselves is one of the best simple joys out there. 

10. Finishing a goal. Whether it be weight, or schooling, or parenting. Finishing something you started is such a great feeling. Enough said.

11. Hearing your children saying a heartfelt prayer. We say nightly prayers in our house. Most nights Cohen says "Its my turn!" and we let him because we don't want a fight. But hearing an innocent child talking to God is a sacred experience. Just puts a smile on my face. 

This is not a fitness or heath post. But I believe our mental health runs closely with our emotional, physical and spiritual health. Staying positive is the most important thing we can do for ourselves. And I think there is a common denominator for all of these simple joys here. We have to work for them and then we get to enjoy the rewards. Our house doesn't just clean itself, we clean it. Our kids aren't just randomly nice to each other, we have to teach them to be kind. We don't just grow muscle, we have to earn it by hard work. 

Teach yourself how to work hard this year. For whats good for you. For whats healthy. And remember to remember the simple joys. Thank you to my sister Kylee for inspiring me to stay positive with myself, situations, and others. 

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