Sunday, January 12, 2014


The other day I was driving with my mom and my sister. It had been a crazy day. I had 3 more kids than normal at my house all day, a horrid migraine, and the husband had been out of town for a few days. I was exhausted and thinking 5 kids? Yeah right!  So our conversation in the car was themed with the word "validation". Someone telling you that what you are thinking is in fact correct instead of you thinking you are a failure and going completely insane!  You know that's all anyone needs. As a wife, a mother, a father, a friend, or as a person! All people need is a "It really IS hard having 5 kids all day long with a migraine". Sam (the husband) had just said that to me as he got home that day and it made me feel so much better! Those words from his mouth were like listening to a Justin Timberlake song on a gorgeous summer day sitting by a pool all by myself sipping a diet dr pepper and eating chocolate chips. In other words, perfect. So that got me thinking. I need to post about this! I preach fitness. I preach health. But I never validate my audience (if I have one)!

It is HARD being a person with a busy schedule and crazy life and still finding time to work out.

It is SO hard being a mom and having energy to work out!

It is DIFFICULT making a healthy dinner every night because 1- its expensive to eat healthy and 2- it is way easier going to McDonalds and letting your kids run around while you stuff your face with a hamburger that you have been craving all day.

It is not FUN to work out by yourself.

It is so incredibly hard. I wish I could do it for you. Some days my workout is playing Just Dance with my kids and some days its a solid 45 minutes of awesome cardio and strength training. Some days my dinner is chicken nuggets and salad and some days my dinner is a marinated pork tenderloin with quinoa and roasted veggies and homemade bread. It really just depends on the mood you're in and the day that you have had.

Validation. It is what everyone craves right? At least that's what I crave. My challenge to you is to validate yourself and others. Your kids, your husband, your neighbor, or your mother. It will change your life and maybe your mood. You may make a friend or repair a wounded relationship with your husband. It will make your life just a little bit easier. And maybe then people with in return start validating you :)

Workout coming tomorrow morning!

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