Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Park Workout

I am in Las Vegas this week soaking up the sun! I went from 30 degrees in Springville to almost 70 in Vegas! I am roasting and loving it! I am trying to be outside as much as possible so this morning we did an awesome workout at the park! All you need is some monkey bars, a bench, your body and if you have a medicine ball or something you can use that! The greatest thing about these is your kids can play while you are working out!! My kids loved this one!

Run - 1 or 2 laps around the park depending on how far it is
10 burpee jumps - Regular burpee then jump up onto the bench (or step up)
15 pull-ups and 15 push-ups on a bar - use monkey bars or anything that you can grip
10 squats with medicine ball throw - just throw ball above your head
20 sit-ups

We set a timer for 20 minutes and just tried to repeat this series of exercises as many times as we could.

If you are doing this inside the house... my Utah peeps
25 jump ropes
10 burpee jumps - jump up onto a stair
15 pull-ups and 15 push-ups - use your table
10 squats with medicine ball throw - same as above
20 sit-ups

More workouts to come this week! This one my sister-in-law made up and it was so much fun! It feels so great to be outside with the sun on my face! Hopefully I come hope with lots of Vitamin D and a little less pale :)

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