Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Burpee Challange/ Question of the Day

The workout for today is quick. My workout group has only made it to about 11 or 12 minutes. So its a great one if you have a crazy Christmas schedule or crazy kids (or both like me!). I got this workout from a trainer that works at US Synthetic (where my husband Sam works) and it has been one of my favorites! Not because it is fun but because its quick and affective!

The Burpee Challange
Start at minute 1: Do 1 burpee- Go down into plank, do a push-up touching your chest and thighs to the ground, jump out of plank, up and jump in the air. Mostly likely after this one you will have about 55 seconds to rest.

Minute 2: do 2 burpees and rest the rest of the minute

Minute 3: do 3 burpees and rest the rest of the minute

Minute 4: do 4 burpees and rest the rest of the minute...

I think you get it now. See how many minutes you can go until you cant do the amount of burpees you need to in that minute. So my group got to 11 burpees in 1 minute.

This video will demonstrate how to do a real burpee.

My question of the day is: What is the most frustrating thing about exercising for you? I'd really love lots of responses! Me and the husband are working on a little something special that I will reveal soon hopefully! Thanks!


  1. Getting started, sticking to it and staying motivated.

  2. Thanks for posting the video on what a burpee is. I've heard of them before but never actually knew what they were!
