Thursday, March 27, 2014

100's Workout

Last night with my fun group of girls I work out with, I tried something a little different. It was a "go at your own pace" and "do it however you want to" type workout. Nothing was timed. I just gave them a specific number of everything to do and wrote their names on a chalkboard and they kept track of everything. I loved it! It was one of the most intense workouts I have done in a while and it felt so great to sweat. Here it is:

100 Push-ups
100 Second wall-sit
100 Squats
100 Jelly bellies (sit on the ground and put your legs parallel to the ground with your arms either on    the ground stabilizing you or also parallel to the ground with your wrist at your knees)
75-100 Burpees

I did 20 of each at a time which made things a bit easier I think because it gives you a break. But you can do it in any order you want! It seems a little overwhelming at first but we all did it in about 20-30 minutes depending on the breaks that you need. This workout is a good one to do as a group! Write what you need to accomplish in a spot where everyone can see and write what they have accomplished. It makes you have accountability and helps you not to cheat as much.

None of us made it to the 100 Burpee mark but it is possible! I think I made it to 85 and my arms couldn't push me up anymore! Always make sure your form is good so you don't hurt your back. And remember to stretch afterward!

Happy Working!

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